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Le Point - “CBD: a “cure” for adolescent anxiety?”

CBD: a “cure” for adolescent anxiety?
This product from hemp cultivation is all the rage among French teenagers for its soothing properties. Especially since it is not considered narcotic.
CBD, or “cannabidiol”, is a product known as relaxing and harvested from hemp, like cannabis. But unlike the latter, CBD is legal in France since it is not considered “narcotic*”. Used by more and more French people who are fans of its soothing properties, CBD has won over an adolescent audience since confinement. Even if the product consumed is authorized for sale in France under certain conditions, the sale of cannabidiol to minors is not authorized by French law. However, Romain and Lina as well as their respective parents, who agreed to testify, have no intention of stopping their use.
Almost daily consumption
For Romain, a 17-year-old final year student at a high school in Val-de-Marne, CBD was his “confinement revelation”. “Romain has always been sickly shy,” says his mother, a 43-year-old project manager. “Expressing himself orally is a source of anxiety for him. The presentations were always a trial by fire and, with his father, we had tried everything. Even the theater. » During confinement, Romain's stressed temperament reached its peak as he had to prepare for his French baccalaureate oral exam. “We didn’t even know under what conditions it would take place. I couldn’t sleep or work anymore,” explains Romain.
His mother, worried, confided in a yoga teacher friend who recommended CBD in oil form to soothe her son. “With his father, we were doubtful: for us, it was giving drugs to our son. We then said to ourselves that we would test all three to gauge the effects. It was miraculous, especially for Romain and his father. » A few drops under the tongue before sleeping for Romain were enough for him to relax each evening. And even if the baccalaureate oral exam was ultimately canceled, Romain now knows that he will have this “help” for his final year.
Lina, too, started during confinement, but for other reasons. This little 16-year-old brunette who goes to school in Gard has always suffered from health problems. “Her periods have always been painful, even debilitating. To keep up, Lina resorted to a lot of medication, which her father and I didn't necessarily approve of. So we looked for a more natural remedy and, reading reviews on the Internet, I discovered CBD. » If Lina started with CBD infusions which successfully soothed her pain, she now prefers to consume it in the form of oil. “I take a few drops under my tongue when I have my period, but I also put it on my facial skin which is quite damaged, it’s miraculous. »
CBD for teenagers, a danger?
Estelle, a school nurse in a college in Strasbourg, wonders about the consumption of CBD for her students. “We must first understand the adolescent's problem, especially when we talk about sleep disorders and anxiety, medical guidance may be necessary. This product remains a crutch. So I wonder: why don't families turn to homeopathy and pharmacies first? » And Juliette Marty, CBT clinical psychologist and specialist in addiction, seems to agree with him: “I am not very favorable, it depends on where the product comes from but some contain remnants of THC. CBD is good for a substitute in cannabis addiction, but I find it surprising to habituate minor adolescents with a substitute. Because it is important that this does not become a daily habit, like before each presentation. If sleep only works with CBD, this can lead to a risk of addiction and the adolescent must be avoided at all costs from a system of dependence. »
And in her analysis, Juliette Marty puts forward a point that Romain was also confronted with: CBD in the form of a joint. “From the moment we start smoking a CBD joint, we reach a stage where there are no other effects for the brain and we can possibly turn to cannabis,” explains Juliette.
“A few weeks ago, Romain and his friends smoked CBD to try it, except that the guards saw them at the gate and confiscated everything. It’s difficult to differentiate CBD from cannabis like that, so we were summoned by management and it was very difficult for us to justify this,” testifies Romain’s mother, still angry with her son.
A healthy product for a healthy lifestyle
Hélène Aubier, one of the founders of the “Huages” range of CBD oils, on the contrary, presents the beneficial effects of the product. For her, France is still lagging behind in its use and conveys a negative image: “I, who lived in New York for four years, noticed that CBD had a positive image in the United States. , Unlike France. CBD oil represents the healthy image of a healthy woman who takes care of herself. » Determined to make her brand a premium product, Hélène guarantees 100% natural and French oils. Convinced of the benefits of the product, Hélène and her associates even innovated by giving the bitter taste of the oil a hazelnut flavor, reminiscent of a famous spread. “The idea is to give it a pleasant taste to take in the morning and to be able to incorporate it into drinks or even salad dressings. »
Reassuringly, Hélène confirms that CBD can be given to adolescents, but also speaks out against its use in the form of joints or even vaping, the opposite of a healthy lifestyle. “CBD acts between 30 minutes and 1 hour 30 minutes. We can highlight four major benefits which allow the consumer to calm down, to fight against insomnia, menstrual pain, and for athletes to help with the recovery of muscles,” she explains, echoing the testimonies of Romain and Lina. Laughing, she concludes that if a teenager had the idea of drinking an entire bottle of CBD oil, he would risk “nothing except a big nap”.