The Huages evening routine helps you approach bedtime more calmly.
Prepare yourself a comforting Ayurvedic drink forcalm your mind.
The Golden Latte Tradition promotesdigestion,relaxes the nervous systemand promotes arestorative sleep.
30 minutes to 1 hour before bed, apply 3 to 4 drops of RÊVE oil under your tongue.
A solutionnatural,non-addictive, to help you get back torestorative sleep rhythm.
Lower your heart rate and fall asleep faster by practicing heart coherence.
Inhale through your nose for 5 seconds, then exhale through your nose for 5 seconds. Repeat the operation for 5min.
You can also use the RESPIRELAX+ application, tested and approved by the Huages team!
Are you starting CBD?
Treat yourself to our delicacies. Developed with renowned French artisans, their CBD concentration is lighter. Perfect for getting started!